Sunday, July 30, 2006

Drugs are bad mmmmmkay!

Well that's what they'd have us believe. But the demonisation of cannabis, as part of a war on drugs (about as logical as, say, a war on terror) is threatening to make many people's lives hell. And I'm not talking about the 16 year old stoners in the park, but all the people suffering from MS who benefit from the medical use of cannabis. The group THC4MS has never hidden its efforts to supply cannabis chocolate to MS sufferers - who have long reported positive effects from smoking the drug.

Three members of the group are scheduled to appear at Carlisle Crown Court on the 4th December on a charge of conspiracy to supply cannabis, a charge that carries a maximum sentance of 14 years hard labour. If they are found guilty then production and distribution of cannabis products to those in need of them most will be forced to cease.

The following petition, which has attracted over 3000 signatures already, aims to halt the prosecution. Whilst this may seem an extremely improbably outcome, at the very least it serves to lobby the government to take seriously the issue of legalising cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Please sign :)


Louisefeminista said...

A good friend of mine smokes dope as a way of counteracting the pain he experiences on his right side of his body due to physical damage. He was originally presscribed painkillers shaped like horse pills which caused more side-effects and made him feel worse. He has weighed up the pros and cons of smoking dope and he finds he can cope better smoking a spliff.

I had a work-related accident and my neck and shoulder blade were damaged. The prescribed drugs did not work though the dope did relieve the pain somewhat.

Salman Shaheen said...

Nice one, cheers. Personally I'm for the legalisation of most drugs on principle; I think it would help to solve a lot of problems, from safety to violent drug crime. But that the positive medical benefits of cannabis should be ignored becuase of outdated laws is both inhumane and unscientific.

AN said...

I find it very odd that there is general support for decriminalisng drugs on the left, but heaven forbid that anyone should light a cigarrette ... ...

Louisefeminista said...

I am all for decriminalising drugs and interestingly enough.... I haven't got a problem with cigarettes either (and I don't smoke, well, in the legal sense). Not all of us the same on the left.

Rather like I am vegetarian but have no problems with meat eaters or people eating meat/fish as long as I don't have to eat it.

Oh and Sappho, I agree with what you say about drugs. The state never really tells you about the side-effects from some legal drugs and pain killers have some vile effects. And the long-term impact legal drugs can have on your body again informed choices aren't an option nor are exploring alternatives.

Salman Shaheen said...

Hahahaha, Andy you had me in stitches there...

AN said...

yeah and tobacco is 100% guaranteed to make you look cooler and sexier.

Salman Shaheen said...

That's me sold :)

Louisefeminista said...

"yeah and tobacco is 100% guaranteed to make you look cooler and sexier".

Oh yes, Lauren Bacall in the film To Have and to Have Not

Anonymous said...


And what about cannabis itself making life hell, for all those people who experience severe mental health problems as a result of its use, eh?

Where's the petition commending the CPS for prosecuting these irresponsible people? I want to sign it.

Salman Shaheen said...

Oh dear, another self-righteous moral guardian. The evidence for cannabis actually causing mental complications is sketchy at best. I sincerely doubt having a joint is going to send you over the edge, or else 60 odd percent of the population would be loons. Of course people might run into problems if they smoke like chimneys, but that's the same old story with everything. All things in moderation. I don't hear people moaning about pubs for causing alcoholism. Actually, maybe you've already started a petition on that. Come on, seriously, learn to live a little.