Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Congratulations to Green Left Weekly

Green Left Weekly has just published its 700th edition. You can read messages of support fro around the world here.

The paper now gets 36000 online hits per week, making it the best read English language socialist publication in the world, including a wide audience among young people. It is a tribute to the DSP that they have managed to produce such an excellent paper along with their comrades in the Socialist Alliance. I think part of its success has been the excellent international coverage.

Here are what some people say about GLW:

John Pilger: "I am a passionate supporter of Green Left Weekly because of its principles and because there is quite simply no other newspaper in Australia that so comprehensively reports and analyses the critical issues that touch all our lives. Warm congratulations on reaching 700!” ,

Briggs Bomba, International Socialist Organisation, Zimbabwe: “In this era of intensifying contradictions in the global capitalist system which have unleashed worldwide anti-capitalist resistance, I want to salute the Green Left Weekly for holding high the torch of progressive and revolutionary politics and for being a reliable fountain of progressive ideas. Information has become a key battlefield and it is through the consistent and persistent work of revolutionary papers like the Green Left Weekly that the dream of a people-centred alternative world remain alive. “In particular I want to register appreciation for your enlightening coverage of the revolutionary wave currently sweeping across Latin America. In many ways you have helped activists and progressive forces internationally appreciate the struggles in Latin America from a fresh and forward looking perspective. Regards to the Green Left team and may I add my voice in congratulating you on the occasion of the 700th issue. Aluta!”

Scottish Socialist Voice editorial team: "Congratulations and a very happy birthday to Green Left Weekly. We know the blood, sweat and occasional tears that are poured into producing an alternative newspaper every week, but we know the rewards too. At 700 editions old, we look to you as our big sister of the left press! Green Left Weekly does not hammer a party line — it’s much more important than that. As a source of news which is independent of the influence of corporate power, Green Left provides a torrent of information, experience and ideas from outside the mainstream, each week confirming the conclusion that another way of living and organising is not only possible, it’s necessary.” -

Farooq Tariq, General secretary, Labour Party Pakistan: "For me, reading Green Left Weekly is a habit and a healthy one. It brings all the news and views that we need to read. This helps in preparation of a good fight against the capitalist system. It is keenly waited by all the leading members of Labour Party Pakistan. Sometimes translated into Urdu for our weekly Mazdoor Jeddojuhd (Workers Struggle), a paper that has learnt a lot from Green Left Weekly as well.
“One of the most successful campaigns for our paper to raise funds, during the last three months of 2006, was in fact a carbon copy of the campaign of Green Left Weekly to raise $100,000.
“Keep it up till the socialist revolution.”

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