It's that time of week again - this is the fourth and possibly last weekend open thread (don't want to overdo it now).
If you've got thoughts about bloody Wayne Rooney, Afghanistan or the drugs industry - or if you've got a question, query or complaint this is the time to do it.
Nothng is off topic, feel free to change the subject at any time, make your self at home!
Start with some flippant comment but who needs Prozac when you have chocolate?!
Just thought how quite it is over here, still stroppyblog to the rescue :-)
yes chocolate and alcholol !
Shit, meant to say quiet, not quite !! Must check before send.
Another flippant comment but does anyone understand the rules to Deal Or No Deal?
Hi you two - the rules are, I think, you have a random box with something in it - and then people use their psychic powers to decide whether to ditch that random box and choose a different one or not... and then everyone goes ahhh! in a happy or sad way when they open the box.
I think the blogsphere in general has gone a bit quiet.. could be the heat or the football maybe. Cleverly I scheduled a political meeting this week for during the england game on thursday... doh!
In my defence I booked it months ago and didn't know football dates - and also as it turned out we had a bumper turnout anyway.
Hey Jim, you must have watched at least twice....
Wish someone would use their psychic powers to shut old Noel up!
Just once - honest! I had to get someone to explain it to me.
I was concentrating on the screen as hard as I could - but still his head did not explode. Sigh
I have been finding some other blogs to annoy :-) Trouble is can't do an invasion when they are moderated by control freaks.
So we have exhausted chocolate, alchohol and Noel Edmonds ....
Quite like these open threads. Always imagine Jim Jay bringing out the tea and biscuits.
I see someone has called you jam jar on Dave's blog. Must admit Louise and I have been calling you jim jams . I think that is nicer !
I need to get out more and not witter on about tea and biscuits on a saturday night. I live in my own little world ....
hmmm, i thought it might descend into name calling any second, so i decided not to look at the thread since my last post.
hobnob anyone?
I hope they are chocolate hob nobs ....
Yes name calling is uncalled for , much more civilised over here.
That's because we're ready to be ruthless with the delete button - Watch it everyone!
Also I didn't realise there were non-chocolate hobnobs, don't like the sound of them.
Well i'm not an expert but I thought I once saw them. Of course after the revolution, and stroppyblog has shot everyone, then all hob nobs will be chocolate. They are already in my imaginary world.
So are you offering plain or milk ones....
re deleting, after my experince with the recyle bin and the thought police I am thinking of instigating a 'naughty room' for bloggers who we don't agree with....
Just to say something vaguely political, gasp, this guy that is apparently one of the top members of al quaida and has decided to be deported just spent 4 years in jail without charge and had no prospect of release.
Given that he is supposed to be one of the most dangerous men on the planet why are we letting him go? isn't that a bit irresponsible?
Surely they have evidence... as a tip to the police - does he have a beard? is he wearing 'al quaida style' pajamas? If so why not shoot him?
plain is best.
re: naughty room - nice idea but how would you do it? One of the interesting things about indymedia is the way you can see all the 'deleted' posts and judge for yourself whether it was correct to delete them (although in reality they are hidden rather than deleted of course)
Its a bit like shooting people I don't like, its in my overactive imagination.....
But there is a recycle bin where bad feminists go, I was sent there
I expect louise will join me there.
OMG - that link is fantastic!
I particularly like this "If you contradict the points I'm making in a post because you've failed to understand what I'm saying, I will not publish your comment. However, should you genuinely need some clarification and make this clear by asking for such I will e-mail you."
Oh wise one... give us your wisdom and let no thoughts of foolishness through into your world of untramelled purity...
SB - it is utterly bizarre that you can be labelled a troll on the basis of the post contained at the link.
Thats why I posted on stroppyblog. I sent a comment into the FF blog. She did not add it to the post but put it in the recycle bin and then 'interpreted ' it. It also said 'strictly no right of reply'. So thats why i ranted on SB http://stroppyblog.blogspot.com/2006/06/strictly-no-right-of-reply-rad-fem.html.
My comment was not offensive, just questioning.
It made me so angry, and up to then I thought I could be a bit of a control freak (what with wanting to shoot people).
I found this too... "Commenting is open to women familiar with radical feminism. Criticism is welcome when it adheres to the ground rules of good feedback practice"
For "familiar" read "agree with totally". For "good feed back practice" read "I like jargon that excludes 90% of people"
I don't really shoot people, honest.
Basically you have to agree and te4ll her she is wonderful. I was so pissed off at how she 'interpreted ' what I was saying. Imagine if leftie blogs operated those rules. Perhaps we should do it at SB for one day as a joke .
Don't disillusion me. I'm only opposed to indiscriminate or reactionary shootings.
Oh God - not to one of my comments please...
I think we shouldn't give a warning, just pick a day and at the end of it send people to the naughty room and 'interpret' what they are really saying. Posters will have to tell us we are wonderful otherwise they will have to stand in the corner and not post on SB.
I'll run that by Louise .....
Eeeeewwwww - you'll have to call it suck up day. Yuk
right, enough blogging. Only meant to have a quick look.
i'll leave you to finish the hob nobs....
Looks like the ban on whaling is being questioned... this is bad - no?
I need Prozac. That's nothing new.
There's a discussion underway on Bob Morriss' Politics in the Zeroes blog
with Eli Stephens ( Left Eye on the News) and maybe me on the topic of organising by using the internet. It may prove an interesting exchange.
Just wondering if the UK left has some thoughts on the topic.
left i: http://lefti.blogspot.com/
Me: http://ratbaggy.blogspot.com/
Thanks dave
There is alos a discussion on this over on Osler's blog at the moment:
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