FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said at their annual conference that it would be "premature to reaffiliate now. Rather, we ask for a period of discussion in which all sides can put their view. "Through engaging in such discussions, our membership will be more prepared to make an informed decision," he said. Mr Wrack claimed that disaffiliation has not "excluded us from the corridors of power and has not been as cataclysmic as some expected. We are still engaged in the political arena.
"Our relationship with FBU parliamentary chair John McDonnell operates on a number of levels and he has done outstanding work for this union. Our activists avidly read his parliamentary reports, especially on the trade union freedom Bill.
"And disaffiliation has not stopped us being involved in the campaign for a progressive Labour Party leader - the executive council has voted unanimously to support the McDonnell campaign," he reported.
Strathclyde delegate Jimmy Scott said that "our rulebook states that our ultimate goal is to bring about the socialist system of society. How are we furthering that goal by being affiliated to a party which has demonised refugees who are fleeing from countries that Britain has bombed?
"If we are to bring Labour back from the brink, we need to stand up and declare proudly and unashamedly that we are socialists," Mr Scott said.
This is hardky a reason to celebrate...
The Labor Party's policies are opening the door to Toryism. It will be hard to get back its base.
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