So no hearse, unfortunately, to take away Meacher and his ill thought-out spoiler of a campaign. I makes no bones at my contempt for Michael "9 houses" Meacher for having the ill grace to stand. He may be better known to the Left but what are his accomplishments which make him stand out against McDonnell. Diddly squat.
To adapt the lyrics of The Beat: "Stand Down, Michael, Stand Down"...
Monday awaits for Round 2.....
That is a real shame because instead of the campign kicking off immediately, there is a weekend of treading water.
I also wonder whether "to close to call" is a euphimism for one candidate refusing to do the honourable thing ;o)
Also, we don't know whether even combined they have enough.
"I also wonder whether "to close to call" is a euphimism for one candidate refusing to do the honourable thing ;o)"
Yes, that kinda crossed my mind as well.....
Yeah, because "too close to call" is understandable in an election where there are say 1300 votes on one side and 1310 on the other, and they need a recount.
But as they are talking of numbers between 20 and 50, i don't see how they can not know which candidate has more supporters!
Even if it is close 25 is still more than 24.
Unless there are some supporters who have specifcially saind, I will supoort McD but under no circimstances Meacher, or I support Mecher but under no circumstances mCd, which I suppose might complicate discussion about who should back down.
There is about as much 'tension' in the McNobody versus Meacher clash as there is in a snapped eleastic band.
5.11.2007 @eh e wheres ui' bvulitn voarid yah
I think it is the tension of Yeovil playing Wrexham as a qualifying match for the FA cup.
While Gordon Brown in Chelsea.
Don't knock Wrexham! When England played Trinidad and Tobago the other year my loyalties were decidedly torn, especially when I heard one of the Wrexham players was an Edwards. Probably no relation, though.
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