Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ding dong: the bigot is dead

The fire and brimstone reactionary bigoted misogynistic homophobic American nasty, Jerry Falwell, has fallen off the perch. Good riddance, says I. He was the founder of the Moral Majority who famously quipped that, "God is a Republican"

Gee and I thought God is a DJ and life is dance floor (well, according to the singer Pink).

One less fire and brimestone reactionary but there are still plenty alive to choose from. Ian Paisley being one.....


splinteredsunrise said...

Haven't you heard, Louise? Big Ian's a man of peace now. ;)

Louisefeminista said...

Honestly Splintered One, next you will be telling me that Sinn Fein want to enter into a coalition with Ian "Save Ulster from sodomy" Paisley/DUP...


MC Fanon said...

My favorite Jon Stewart quote: "The Gay Marriage bill. Some loved it. Some hated it. I think Jerry Falwell masturbated to it."

I'm not sure that we should be celebrating anyone's death, per se, but I too will not miss Falwell nor his message. Pat Robertson and Falwell have given two of the biggest black eyes to followers of Christ in the 20th (21st) century.

Louisefeminista said...

Dave: I kinda like Jon Stewart btw.

I am not usually into celebrating someone's death but Falwell is an exception as the man dedicated his life to bigotry and oppression.

Jim Denham said...

Whatever you think of C. Hitchens, his comments on Falwell during a CNN interview are brilliant: you can view it, via YouTube, at 'Shiraz Socialist' and/or 'A General Theory of Rubbish'.